The Extraordinary Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy II — Apocalipse

Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy vol.2

FOREWORD: George A. Romero

FORMAT: 112 Pages, 16,5 x 24 cm

LANGUAGE: Portuguese

PUBLICATION DATE: Octo­ber, 2011

PUBLISHED BY: Tinta da China

BUY: Tinta da China | FNAC

Dog” Men­donça, Piz­z­aboy, Pazuul and the Gar­goyle are back on another attempt to save the world.

This time, they will face the biggest pos­si­ble cat­a­stro­phe — the Apoc­a­lypse, as fore­told in the Book of Rev­e­la­tions. Plagues of locusts, giant crea­tures and two mil­lion demons will invade Lis­bon, drag­ging our heroes into an adven­ture of bib­li­cal proportions.

Writ­ten by Fil­ipe Melo, with art by Juan Cavia and col­ors by San­ti­ago Villa, the sec­ond chap­ter of these adven­tures is an edge of your seat book that will make you love (even more) these four incom­pe­tent heroes!

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