
Book Tour 2013

Sábado – 2 Novem­bro
17h — Apre­sen­tação Fnac Chi­ado — Exposição desenhos

Domingo – 3 Novem­bro
16h — Visita Guiada BD Amadora
17h/19h — Amadora BD — Autó­grafos Dog I e II e Dark Horse Presents

5ªfeira – 7 Novem­bro
18h30 — Fnac Vasco da Gama
21h30 — Fnac Almada Fórum

Domingo – 10 Novem­bro
15h16h — Amadora BD — Autó­grafos
16h00 — Amadora BD — Lança­mento e leilão Dog III
17h/18h — Amadora BD –Autó­grafos
21h30 — Fnac Colombo

3ªfeira – 12 Novem­bro
22h — Short­cutz Lis­boa — Bicaense

4ªfeira – 13 Novem­bro
22h — Short­cutz Porto — Hardclub

5ªfeira – 14 Novem­bro
17h00 — Fnac Sta. Cata­rina Apre­sen­tação e Exposição
21h30 — Fnac Leiria

6ªfeira – 15 Novem­bro
18h30 — Fnac Alfragide
21h00 — Festa Crowdfunding

Sábado – 16 Novem­bro
13h30/16h — Mas­ter­class CCC Cal­das da Rainha
16h00 — Bertrand Cal­das
18h30 — Dr.Kartoon Coim­bra
21h30 — Fnac Coimbra

Domingo – 17 Novem­bro
17h — Fórum Fan­tás­tico — Telheiras

Crowdfunding Dog & Pizzaboy Vol.III

The Adven­tures of Dog Men­donça and Piz­z­aboy” is a tril­ogy of comic books writ­ten by Fil­ipe Melo and illus­trated by argen­tinean artists Juan Cavia and San­ti­ago Villa.

These books tell the adven­tures and mis­ad­ven­tures of an unlikely group of mis­fits: a were­wolf with a bad tem­per, a pizza deliv­ery guy, a six thou­sand year old demon liv­ing in the body of a child, and a Gargoyle’s head. Together they are forced to save the world more often than they would wish for, fac­ing the most ter­ri­ble threats.

We work together in this books since 2005 and, until now, we were able to pub­lish two vol­umes of the saga. We were very for­tu­nate to have fore­words writ­ten by John Lan­dis and George A. Romero for our first two books and to be pub­lished by Tinta-da-China in Por­tu­gal and by Dark Horse Comics in the USA.

The third and last book The Fan­tas­tic Adven­tures of Dog Men­donça and Piz­z­aboy (Vol­ume III) is cur­rently in pro­duc­tion and we want to invite you to be a part of this project. Your par­tic­i­pa­tion, more than wel­come, is essential.

It´s very dif­fi­cult to gather the nec­es­sary invest­ment for this ven­ture – it depends on a full year of a daily and con­stant work from the team. The script (already com­pleted) also took about a year to be writ­ten. Even though the books were a rel­a­tive sales suc­cess and have won some major comic book awards, they weren’t able to cover their cost, oth­er­wise you wouldn’t be read­ing these lines. To fin­ish these adven­tures we need your help!

The amount achieved will be used for draw­ing and col­or­ing 105 pages and make the dia­logue balloons.

Every penny you give us will be trans­formed in blood, sweat and tears to bring you the best of the three adventures.

Our main goal is to partwith the old tra­di­tion of block­bust­ing trilo­gies: the third part is always a piece of s****.

If this hap­pens, we can only promise one thing: it will be the last!


The Untold Tales of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy (one-shot)

Flanked by his demonic assis­tant Pazuul and the “unpaid intern” known as Piz­z­aBoy, over­weight Por­tuguese were­wolf “Dog” Men­donça nar­rates his own bizarre ori­gin story, tak­ing us from a trav­el­ing cir­cus to a Nazi lab­o­ra­tory to the depths of Loch Ness! And when we catch up with the present-day Men­donça, can his team adjust to the new fame and out­ra­geous for­tune that come from being pub­lished by Dark Horse Comics? Bite into the rau­cous adven­ture that was first seri­al­ized in Dark Horse Presents-now in one comic!

* Find out how Dog Men­donça got his powers!

* Author Fil­ipe Melo delib­er­ately breaks the fourth wall for an ironic com­men­tary on the comics indus­try itself.

* From the pages of Dark Horse Presents!


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