The Fantastic Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy III — Requiem

Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy vol.1

FOREWORD: Tobe Hooper

FORMAT: 136 Pages,  16,5  x 24 cm

LANGUAGE: Portuguese

PUBLICATION DATE Novem­ber, 2013

PUBLISHED BY: Tinta da China

BUY: Tinta da China | FNAC

The four heroes are ready for their last adven­ture together. After fac­ing zomb­i­fied nazis and the End of Times, Dog Men­donça, Piz­z­aboy, Pazuul and the Gar­goyle are about to face a much more per­sonal story.
Dr. Spi­der, a very old acquain­tance of Dog Men­donça, is back to turn his life into a night­mare. A mov­ing story about love, revenge and giant spiders!
The final chap­ter of the tril­ogy, the book fea­tures a fore­word by leg­endary film­maker Tobe Hooper (Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre, Pol­ter­geist).

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