Dark Horse Presents #6

FORMAT: 80 Pages, 16,8 x 25,9 cm


PUBLICATION DATE: Novem­ber 23, 2011

EDITED BY: Dark Horse Comics

UPC: 76156817843200621

BUY: Dark Horse

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the comic shop, Dark Horse unleashes another mon­strous vol­ume of comics from today’s great­est cre­ators! Boast­ing a brand-new story by Brazil­ian wun­derkind Fabio Moon, this vol­ume also fea­tures the sec­ond of three new Beasts of Bur­den sto­ries by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thomp­son! Throw in con­tin­u­ing sto­ries by Steve Niles, Robert Love, David Walker, Carla Speed McNeil, Fil­ipe Melo, Peter Hogan and Steve Park­house, and Howard Chaykin, and you’ll find your­self on the receiv­ing end of another eighty-page dose of ad-free thrills!
A brand new Beasts of Bur­den story and a new short by Fabio Moon!

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