The Untold Tales of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy (one-shot)

Flanked by his demonic assis­tant Pazuul and the “unpaid intern” known as Piz­z­aBoy, over­weight Por­tuguese were­wolf “Dog” Men­donça nar­rates his own bizarre ori­gin story, tak­ing us from a trav­el­ing cir­cus to a Nazi lab­o­ra­tory to the depths of Loch Ness! And when we catch up with the present-day Men­donça, can his team adjust to the new fame and out­ra­geous for­tune that come from being pub­lished by Dark Horse Comics? Bite into the rau­cous adven­ture that was first seri­al­ized in Dark Horse Presents-now in one comic!

* Find out how Dog Men­donça got his powers!

* Author Fil­ipe Melo delib­er­ately breaks the fourth wall for an ironic com­men­tary on the comics indus­try itself.

* From the pages of Dark Horse Presents!


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